Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pardon the Interruption, it's the Ice Follies

Well, what the news channels are affectionately calling "Ice Storm 2007" has hit Oklahoma. Which means we stayed inside for a week while the world around us froze and of course nothing got done on the house.

Except...brave truck drivers (presumably with guiding reindeer) who delivered framing materials at some point during the early part of the week (ho ho ho!).

No one is building on the house this week but we are ready to go when the weather cooperates! We drove over to check things out...everything coated with ice

Besides pure sleet and ice, a lot of water came down as straight up rain and the ground got really muddy. Which the truck drivers who dropped off the wood probably found out quickly (check out the ruts in the mud)

Bring on the sun, the wood is ready for framing!

Checking out the slab and mud and large puddles

Viv says "Hi!" and can't wait to jump in her next puddle:

More updates later when we thaw out!

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