Wednesday, December 19, 2007

How It's Made

I had to use How It's Made for the title, because that's Vivi's favorite show. At the moment she's lying here in bed learning about how toothpicks, bathtubs, helicopters and beer are made. These are all things that a five-year-old should know, right?

More framing today! Bryan was at the house when I went up to check it out, and he's happy with the way things are going. We spent way too much time discussing pantry doors and shelves... I can't get past the fact that I've got a HUGE pantry. I get to organize it too?! Cool!

Here's a picture of how the house looks today...

Here's a closer look at our bedroom. They've put in the boards where the ceiling will be. It's going to be pretty hard to put any furniture in there with all those pieces of wood going everywhere! :)

And here's a picture of our dining area... none of this was done yesterday!

And here's a picture of the family room, facing towards where the fireplace will be (the square roughly in the middle of the picture). To the right is my big-ass pantry!

That's it for tonight. The segment about bathtubs zonked Viv out, so it's time to turn off the light and crawl in bed too!

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