Here are some update shots of brickwork, woodwork and paintwork...
The driveway is all finished!
Our mailbox is happier now
The columns for the front porch got started
The wood part was built first and supports added and secured to the porch
Then stone boxes with brick tops were built up to the tops!
The columns finished:
We're about ready for some paint and shutters!
We need grass too
Vivi had an impromptu pizza lunchable picnic on the family room floor
Our mantle got installed - it's reused wood from a barn in Ohio.
We also got our screen porch framed in - awesome craftsmanship!
The fireplace is ventless (doesn't need a chimney), uses propane, and cranks out 39,000 BTUs!
The screen material should be installed next week.
Here are some shots from the outside: The pieces hanging down are masking pieces of cardboard the painters use for masking while painting the fascia and soffits.
After finishing the front columns, the masons got to work on the fireplace surround (it only took them a couple of days to finish it):
Brickwork detail on top:
The shop got completely painted inside and out!
The green color is called Sheraton Sage and the tan is called Buckram Binding.
The house also got a little painted too, and the shutters installed.
We are only 1-2 weeks away now! We'll have a few more updates with pics soon.